
It was Aja's turn for a party. I let the kids choose one big party that I throw for them. Everyone has had a turn but Kya so I have a few years to think what we will do. I loved doing this one because everything fits into the treat category.
Aja usuing her cute cup she made.
Take home treat. My friend found the cute glass cupcakes at Tipan in the clearence area and the plates were 2 for a dollar, they say "YUM" on them. It's kind of hard to see them but they were cute.
We did have some healthy food.
I'm happy I had almost everything already for the decorating. I love to find clearence dishes. That is my weakness. When I find cute things I see a table all decorated in my head...lol. I try and buy things that can be used in a lot of different ways. If anyone wants to use any of my things That would make me happy. I love to share anything I have.
I'm so thankful for all the people in my life and all the things they have taught me and continue to teach me.

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