This is my newest grand baby, It's a Girl!! Stacie had a doctor appointment yesterday and they finally found out it was a girl. I kind of knew it was a girl these last few weeks, because in all Don's prayers he kept saying "she." Well this is the happy news! I'm not a person that likes to tell long stories, but I will this time.
Before Stacie's apt. yesterday she took Keo to his apt. to see if he needed surgery on his broken collar bone, and luckily he looks great and is healing fine! After the appointment they went and met Don for lunch and then went to Smith's. She went to the bathroom and found she was bleeding, it scared her very much so she went to her doctor appointment quite early. They did an ultrasound and then met with the doctor. They said that her placenta was possibly tearing away, which is not good. They decided to admit her to the hospital. They were trying to get her to make all these decisions about what to do about her and the baby without Kevin. I just had back surgery so I was of no help. Kev finally got there and they told them they will do nothing to save the baby until she is 24 weeks, which is not until Saturday. I pray that they both will be OK. Please pray for them.
I also need you to pray for Brittnie she will be having surgery on her foot on the 20th. I will again be of no help because of my back, but I know prayers are what will help the most.
Thank You so Much to all my friends and family that has done such nice things for me since my surgery. I cannot wait to pay it forward!!! Love Ya, Cindy