
Ka'Lya's 2 Months

Kya is starting to get bigger and I love it. She weighs 7lbs 6oz.
I love when babies sleep with their cute butts up like this:-)


Keo & Sasha's Graduation:-)

Keo & Sasha's Kindergarten Graduation:-) They are going to miss each other next year, they are the best of friends (cousins). I love it!!
Look how sweet Sash is and how cool Keo is LOL!!
Oh I love them sooo much:-)
I hope Keo's school is ready for him all day LOL!! Love the glasses:-)
I can't say this enough Sasha is always sweet, always. She has always been a peace maker, what a great quality to have:-)


Ka'Lya ShirRae's Blessing Day

My mom always makes the grandkids blessing blankets. They are such a treasure to all of us. Love You, Mom!!
This is such a sweet picture:-) It looks as if she is saying "Daddy I know you will always protect me".

So sweet!!

5 beautiful kids:-)

Brittnie, Jason, Kaili, Sasha & Ka'Lya. They all look so cute:-)

My BFF Stacie Hanson with her cute kids holding Ka'Lya.

Now isn't that cute LOL!

This is Kevin's dad & mom, Kenny & Nedra. Cute picture.