
My Stacie is Home!!!

This has been one of the hardest weeks I have ever been through. After 7 days in the hospital Stac finally got to come home. With the new rules in the hospital no children under 12 can visit. This was so hard on Stac and the kids. I can't imagine what was going through the kids heads. Yesterday Stac was feeling a little better so we brought her down to the lobby to see them. I think Ipo needed this the most so she could see Stac was going to be OK.
Stac keep saying Kya's going to forget about me, we knew she wouldn't. The first thing she did was reach for Stac and didn't want to let her go.

What a sweet family. You can tell by Kee and Ipo's faces that they were really worried. I really need to count my blessings. What a fitting holiday to explain what is in my heart "Thanksgiving".
I guess Sash wants to close her eyes in every picture. Kaili and Sasha love Stac so much. Kaili called her in the hospital because she just wanted to hear her voice. I can not exspress my gratude and love I felt for family and friends that steped up when I asked for help. The night I posted on FB that I felt I needed to be in the hospital with Stac and needed someone to watch the kids, the response was overwhelming. I'm thankful that Jami watched the kids that day because that was the day she was put in ICU and I was able to be there every minute with her. I also want to thank Brittnie for being by her side and showing so much love and support for her. This has truly made me a bettter person. I know that the power of prayer can work mirecles. The day before this pic Stac couldn't even Stand up without her knees shaking, lift her arms or sit in a chair. When Stacie said she will be going home in a couple of days, I thought there is no way. I need to have more faith. Thanks again to family and friends for all you have done in behalf of our family.


Princess on Ice:-)

I took the girls to "Princess on Ice" with my sister and her grand daughter. I have never liked the Disney on Ice even as a kid, yes it goes way back formally known as the "Ice Capades". The thing I do love is the kids dressing up and feeling like they are one of the princesses. I only have to do it 1 more time with Kya..LOL
Kyrie, Ki'Aja and Sasha. We went and got hot chocolate & cookies afterwards. I loved being with my sister we have a lot of the same humor different as day and night but we love to laugh:-)

I just loved the pic!!


Happy Birthday Branson!!!

On my way to the hospital. We didn't know what we were having, but I was sure it was another girl. We were so surprised.
Our baby boy. Branson Donald Evans November 10,1982 9lbs 6oz, 21" 5:44 pm.

Branson has always loved cars, he would sleep with one every night. Branson has been such a blessing in our lives. I have loved having him as my son. Thanks for all you do for me and dad. I love you so much.

I know this pic is bad but my scanner wouldn't work so I took a pic of a pic, and that is Brittnie with the flash replacing her head lol.


Ku'uipo's Birthday!!

Ipo turned 9 November 5 and Kaili turned 9 November 2. I forgot my camera for Kaili's birthday so I'm posting Ku'uipo's first until I get the disc out of Stacie's van. I really hate to do things out of order.
Ipo wanted a cooking party so we sewed chef hats and aprons for all the girls. I love all the bright colors. We had it at my house because at first it was going to be a surprise party.

The first game we had was a scavenger hunt with 2 teams. They had to get an egg, potato, carrot etc.... They loved this game and I'm so thankful for my neighborhood I knew they would all be safe whom ever they went to.

The girls made all their own pizza's, they must have liked them they made 2 each..lol.

Just a cute pic of Kaili & Noelle:-)

They also played a food hunt game. They looked all over to find different foods. I love this pic. Look how serious they are lol.

This was the cupcake station where the decorated their own cupcakes. I really loved how all the girls had so much fun and they were all nice to each other and for a group of 9 year old's that is amazing...LOL!!

Then we had all the girls write down what they liked about Ku'uipo. It was so cute because when the described her she would act out the description. What a blessing to be able to do the things I love to do and have a husband right beside me, I Love You!!!