I love this pic of Don & Doug. I think they must have gotten into lots of trouble getting into the mud...lol
This is my newborn pic a little large 9lbs 2oz. Look at the double chin.
This is my newborn pic a little large 9lbs 2oz. Look at the double chin.
I guess I need to rescan this one, it's just a little crooked. This is me and my brother, we are 5 years apart. I love this picture because I look as big as my brother.
This is Stac, she was 6 months. She was always a happy baby.
This is Brittnie, she was 6wks in this pic. I have a better picture but haven't scanned all of hers in yet. I guess it's good I'm too old to have a baby because this picture makes me want one....LOL
This is Brans, he always had some car type of toy he carried around with him. If he couldn't find it, he would cry until we found it. Brans loves cars to this day.
We were sealed May 5, 1984. Brans, was always crying, Don and I were worried that when they brought him in he would start screaming and we would be embarrassed. When they had the kids come in he was a perfect angel. What a wonderful day this was, I am so thankful for the temple.
Now this was the normal Brans...LOL..I love my family and love looking back and remembering my cute kids. I hated when people would say "Enjoy them now because they grow up so fast". When things were so busy and crazy I would think I can't wait until they grow up. Now I'm that person saying "Enjoy them now...............".